List of Top WordPress Development Tools for Developers

· Web development,WordPress

WordPress developers are responsible for some of the most popular plugins and themes available to WordPress users, so it’s important that they have access to the best possible web development tools. While WordPress has its own set of web development tools, many more exist in the form of plugins, which are often easier to use than their official counterparts. This article will introduce you to the most useful WordPress web development tools and why you should consider using them in your next project.

Top WordPress Development Tools for Open Source Developers

For most WordPress web development tasks, developers work on a local server to speed up performance and make it easier to track issues. MAMP is an easy-to-use program that makes it possible to run a local copy of Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It’s available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Though WordPress has grown up, it still utilizes a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) framework for running locally. WordPress development services need XAMPP to create local servers for testing and development purposes.

The reason for using software such as XAMPP is because it includes and enables MySQL (as opposed to Oracle or MS SQL), as well as supporting PHP version 5.3 or greater out of the box.

This plugin will continuously scan your WordPress site to ensure that all links are still live. When you add new content, it’s important to run a link checker on your entire website to ensure there aren’t any broken links. This plugin works alongside Firefox, so you can also manually perform a link check. Simply open up Firefox and enter about: config in your URL bar.

Word optimization is a valuable, but often overlooked tool for search engine success. Yoast SEO allows web developers to understand how search engines read and process a website and then make adjustments accordingly. The plug-in has so many features that it’s sometimes overwhelming for developers—but once you get past all of its cool bells and whistles, Yoast SEO is incredibly powerful for boosting traffic.

Debug Bar is a plugin for debugging WordPress PHP code. When activated, it creates a new tab in your browser’s development console with WordPress-specific debugging information and allows you to execute code from that console without having to switch back and forth between it and your WordPress admin panel.

This amazing tool is a WordPress framework generator that will help you create applications on top of WordPress with little to no coding knowledge whatsoever. It has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, which allows users to select a set of features they want their new WordPress application to have and lets them build it from there. When you don’t know where to start or what tools are best for your project, GenerateWP can be extremely useful for web developers.


This WordPress web development tools list will help you create and publish a high-quality website on top of WordPress with better security and SEO. If you are planning to hire an open-source developer, make sure a developer should update with the latest versions of the tools.